
hypermobility and strength

Hypermobility and strengthening: key instructions

Hypermobility and strengthening. Is it even possible?  I can understand how it can feel like an impossible task. However, if we follow key instructions on how to do so, strengthening when you have hypermobility is entirely doable.  Strengthening what? Everything! If you are not working on your strength, you are getting weaker. Weakness will always […]

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Woman feeling wellness

The ultimate checklist for handling hypermobility

Handling hypermobility can be very difficult. It is essential to handle situations in a new and different way. Continue reading for the ultimate checklist on how to live a life filled with wellness and success even when diagnosed with hypermobility. The ultimate checklist to handle hypermobility includes: The ultimate checklist to handle hypermobility Learn when

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Hypermobility & scar tissue: how to know if there’s a problem

Did you know that hypermobility & scar tissue behaves differently than regular scarring? Hypermobility brings additional problems, which can explain why you frequently have an issue that’s supposedly healed and resolved, but you continue to have pain and ongoing problems. We’ll discuss:  What’s scar tissue? Scar tissue and Hypermobility How to know if you have

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Understanding Hypermobility: Awareness, Myths, and Care Tips

May has a special place in my heart – it’s Hypermobility Awareness Month! A perfect time for understanding hypermobility and shedding light on a condition often shrouded in misconceptions and misinformation. Here’s what you need to know about hypermobility and how you can support awareness. What Exactly is Hypermobility? Hypermobility is a predominantly inherited connective

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doctor and patient holding hands

Debunking Hypermobility Diagnosis

This month, we will be debunking Hypermobility Diagnosis.  Hypermobility is linked to many different connective tissue disorders, making diagnosing difficult. Symptoms can vary depending on the individual, making getting an accurate diagnosis complicated to achieve.  Keep reading to understand everything there is to know about Hypermobility Diagnosis. Should I be discouraged by a referral?  

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You Have Been Diagnosed With A Hypermobility-Related Syndrome...

Now What?

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